Here I go again with my stupid love for bad puns. I can't help my corny ass. It must be the Carrie in me, lol. Since April of this year I actually cut back on my working hours, and "hump-day" is now actually my day off. It's perfect, (elementary) schools are out earlier on Wednesdays and now I can pick up my princess from school myself. Apart from that it's a great break; I only have to work two days in a row, which makes life a whole lot easier I tell you.
My posting is also more regular, thanks to the Wednesdays where I try to get some extra pictures to post. As you may have noticed, my aim is to post a new outfit or other article every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Apart from my short blogging break, it has been working out quite nicely so far. I just hope I can stick to it, don't blame me if I don't once in a while! :)
Jumpsuit - H&M+

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