Aug 12, 2014

Clean and Simple

This time a more casual outfit, 'cause you know, not everything I wear is "GLAM" :P
I don't know if you've noticed but I follow a variety of fashion blogs, the "skinny blogs" included, because all types of women inspire me. What really surprises me though, is that a lot of skinny bloggers get away with wearing casual/nothing special clothing all the time, and receive lots of praise for it. I like it, don't get me wrong, but as a plus size blogger I sometimes feel the pressure to always be dressed up in my outfit posts, like I have to be GLAM all the time to look just as cute as the others. Well, out the window that goes. As a normal person, just like everyone, my life is not all glitz and glam.

Well, on to my CASUAL outfit! :)
A clean, white shirt is a basic that everyone should have in their closet, at least, that's my opinion. You can never go wrong with that. Add some nice heels to your boyfriend jeans and BAM! Instant upgrade with minimal effort!

While trying to keep my casual FAB, the wind was blowing my hair in all kinds of directions. Well, looks playful right? It does make it a bit harder to share my new hairdo, I got bored again and cut myself some bangs this morning, lol. I just have that itch from time to time. If I had the courage, I would've dyed my hair a copper blonde color, like I had many years ago. But it completely RUINED my hair so I'm still afraid to try that again. So, this will have to do.

What's your go-to "quick transformation" move?


*By "skinny blogs" I'm not trying to disrespect or offend anyone, just trying to clarify my story ;)

Shirt- Asos Curve (old)||Jeans - New Look (old)||Shoes - &OtherStories||Clutch - Ebay

"No matter what people tell you, words and ideas
can change the world."
- Robin Williams, RIP




  1. I agree with you that men cannot wear glamorous outfits everyday and I like that you share something casual on your blog too! :) I am so in love with those shoes! :) xx, Marky
    Please stop by at my blog :)

  2. You know I love an androgynous look with a simple silhouette. I agree, so good that you showed us your less glam side. We can rock any look we want.

  3. Simple yet so chic!!

    Carsedra McKoy:

  4. i absolutely love your outfit , the clutch , the heels everything is so cute.. You look chic. You have a great site here,

    If you would like to follow each other on Google Friends Connect and Bloglovin my link is below , and i always follow back .. Thanks



  5. this is great!!you're giving me 'sex in the city' vibe lol


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